samedi 18 avril 2015

HTML5, Knockout url redirect function

I have created an HTML5 application which uses knockoutjs to make call to a restful service and get/post JSON messages. This is my first application using HTML5 so I am not sure how to implement a URL redirect.

In the application I have two html pages, one is a DataGrid page which shows all the data received by doing a get rest call. I have added a hyperlink to one the field in the display which I would like to use to redirect to the details page and make the rest call to get data for that particular id and display it in the editable page later would like to save the changes.


<tbody data-bind="foreach:userList">
<td><a data-bind="attr:{href: userInfoUrl()}, text:userInfoId"></a></td>
<td data-bind="text: UserName" ></td>


MyUserInfoViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.userList = ko.observableArray();
then(function (userinfos) {
$.each(userinfos, function () {
policyHolderEmail: ko.observable(this.policyHolderEmail),

I would like to know how can UserEntry page would know which Id is getting passed to its page and also how would I make the rest call to have the Id passed to the restful URL.

Appreciate any help with code samples, links etc..


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