dimanche 19 avril 2015

How can I embed my own .mov in to a web page ?

I just exported a .mov file from Final Cut Pro. I want to embed that video into my HTML. I tried :

<object width="800" height="600"
<param name="src" value="FRIEND.mov">
<param name="autoplay" value="true">
<param name="controller" value="false">

<embed src="FRIEND.mov" width="160" height="144"
autoplay="true" controller="false"


I got :

enter image description here

Then, I tried :

<video width="800" height="600" src="FRIEND.mov" controls ></video>

I got this :

enter image description here

Then, when I press the play btn, I got the sound to play, but not the video. ??? Curious ?

What is the most efficient way to achieve something like that ?

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