I built a page where I have a video playing in the background of my page. It works find on desktop but on mobile, I am having some issues I cannot seem to iron out. For mobile phones, what should happen is instead of playing the video , it puts in a poster image in its place, Which it does, however I am getting a black color overlaying this poster image on the top part of my page, you can kind of see the poster image sneaking a view (when you scroll the page, but when you stop the black color covers up the poster image again).... as you scroll down the page, you will notice that the background poster image is there showing up fine, but I just cant figure out where the black color thats covering up the top part is coming from and how to fix it.
Here is my page url: http://ift.tt/1O5D1z4
Go ahead and view it on desktop, then go ahead and view it on mobile phone, you should notice the weirdness I am speaking of.... so basically, on mobile if you scroll towards the bottom of the page, you will see my "orange particles" poster image showing under some dummy text, as it should, well the same thing should be happening at the top of the page, but instead its all black
Please help!
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