lundi 20 avril 2015

WebRTC - Receive video from another peer using an offer from an audio-only stream

Is is possible to receive both video and audio from another peer if the peer who called createOffer() only allowed audio when requested via getUserMedia()?

Explanation by scenario:

  1. Alice connects to a signalling server, and when getUserMedia() is called, chooses to share both video and audio.
  2. Bob connects to the signalling server, and when getUserMedia() is called, only shares audio.
  3. As Bob is the last to party, Bob creates the peer connection offer via RTCPeerConnection.createOffer(). He shares his localDescription which contains SDP data that does not mention video.
  4. The resultant connection is audio-only as the SDP data only contained audio-related information.

Can an offer be created that asks to receive video data without sharing it?

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