I just started to work with meteor ( and try to implement some drag and drop functionality. Basically what it should do: The user can drag video element from a sidebar to a contenteditable div.
My problem is now that it is not working in firefox (v 37, OSX) but it is working in Chrome.
Here is some Code:
'dragstart video': function(event)
var dt = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
dt.effectAllowed = "copy";
dt.setData('text/html', e.currentTarget.outerHTML);
return false;
<template name="single_video">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<video controls="" class="video-drag" draggable="true">
{{#each sources}}
<source src="{{src}}" type="{{type}}">
I always get the error: Error: Permission denied to access property "effectAllowed"
So my question is: Is it a bug in FF or did I miss something? Thanks in advance for any help.
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