lundi 30 mars 2015

OpenFL video targeting HTML5 is not working on chrome-mobile

I'm using to display an MP4 file on HTML5 targets.

It works great on all desktop browsers and even on firefox-mobile.

The only issue is that it's not working on chrome-mobile(v.41.0.2272.96) and opera-mobile (iOS7.1.2). On Chrome I'm getting a black rectangle. On iOS the screen is just blank. I have connected chrome via remote debugging and the console doesn't show and error.

Here is the code I'm running:

private var _video:Video;
private var _stream:NetStream;
private var _nc:NetConnection;

public function new(address:String)
_nc = new NetConnection();
_stream = new NetStream(_nc);
_video = new Video();

_stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onVideoLoaded);
_stream.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);

private function onVideoLoaded(nsLoaded:NetStatusEvent):Void
if ( == "NetStream.Play.Start"){}
else if( == 'NetStream.Play.Stop'){}
else if( == 'NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime'){}

private function asyncErrorHandler(e:AsyncErrorEvent):Void
trace('asyncErrorHandler', e.text);

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