mardi 31 mars 2015

JavaScript-Dot navigation

How can i code the javascript or jqueary so that when i click on a dot the dot gets an active class but the previous dots class is removed


<div class="dotnav">
<div class="dot active" title="Sign Up">

<div class="dot" title="hello" >

<div class="dot" title="hello" >

<div class="dot" title="hello" >

<div class="dot" title="hello" >

<div class="dot" title="helloup" >

left: 40px;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
z-index: 9999;
display: block;
/*-webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);
-moz-transform: translateY(-50%);
-ms-transform: translateY(-50%);
-o-transform: translateY(-50%);
transform: translateY(-50);*/

height: 16px;
border:2px solid #CCCCCC;
display: block;
margin-top: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
vertical-align; baseline;
border: 2px solid #999999;
background-color: #C9931E;
.active{background-color: #C9931E;}

if you could help me code this that would be awesome

How can i code the javascript or jqueary so that when i click on a dot the dot gets an active class but the previous dots class is removed

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