dimanche 19 avril 2015

seamless background loop and drawImage : direction gets reversed when adding parameters

I'm trying to build a little game in html5 with canvas.

I use the method drawImage to create a seamless background loop, after having read this post on stackoverflow : scrolling/sliding background in html5 canvas.

I use the second method suggested.

// To go the other way instead

scrollImg, //img
-scrollVal,0, //start clipping
imgWidth, imgHeight //clipped image size
scrollImg, //img
canvasWidth-scrollVal,0, //start clipping
imgWidth, imgHeight //clipped image size

It works fine; but I need to set a position for my images.

So I updated this to

scrollImg, //img
-scrollVal,0, //start clipping
imgWidth, imgHeight, //clipped image size
0, canvasHeight-imgHeight, //image position
imgWidth, imgHeight // image size
scrollImg, //img
canvasWidth-scrollVal,0, //start clipping
imgWidth, imgHeight, //clipped image size
0, canvasHeight-imgHeight, //image position
imgWidth, imgHeight // image size

And now my animation gets reversed ! (going left to right instead of right to left) It's totally ... unexpected. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this ? Thanks a lot.

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