I was wondering whether I made a math mistake in my particle collision simulation found here. The particles don't seem to separate properly during collision resolution. Here is a code snippet from the function which separates particles and changes their velocities:
//particle 1
var pi = particles[i];
//particle 2
var pj = particles[j];
//particle 1 to particle 2
var pimpj = pi.mesh.position.clone().sub(pj.mesh.position);
//particle 2 to particle 1
var pjmpi = pj.mesh.position.clone().sub(pi.mesh.position);
//if colliding (radius is 20)
if(pimpj.length() < 20 && pimpj.length() != 0)
//reflect velocity off of 1->2
pi.velocity = pi.velocity.reflect(pimpj.clone().normalize()).multiplyScalar(restitution);
//reflect velocity off of 2->1
pj.velocity = pj.velocity.reflect(pjmpi.clone().normalize()).multiplyScalar(restitution);
//move particle 1 to appropiate location based off of distance in between
var pip = pi.velocity.clone().normalize().multiplyScalar(20-pimpj.length());
//move particle 2
var pjp = pj.velocity.clone().normalize().multiplyScalar(20-pimpj.length());
I have tried reversing pimpj with pjmpi while changing pi.velocity, but to no effect. note: I am using three.js
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