mardi 31 mars 2015

How to set the selections points of an object created using fabric js on canvas?

I have a canvas on which I am loading a svg image using the function fabric.loadSVGFromURL()

Then I am iterating through each object and adding that to the canvas. Here is my code :

/* Begin - Load Card from the SVG Image */
loadCardFromSVG = function loadCardFromSVG()
fabric.loadSVGFromURL('history/card_front.svg', function(objects, options)
addObjectsToCanvas(canvasFront, objects);`//call the function for adding objects to canvas`

/* End - Load Card from the SVG Image */

/* Begin - Add objects loaded from SVG to the canvas */
addObjectsToCanvas = function addObjectsToCanvas(cavasId, objects)
borderColor: 'red',
cornerColor: 'green',
cornerSize: 6,
transparentCorners: false
obj.selectable = true;

/* End - Add objects loaded from SVG to the canvas */

All works fine using these functions. But the only problem is that the selection points of each object are being show far away from the selected object. I am not able to restore the selection points around the selected object.

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